Fishbourne Literary Festival

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The Hall

Preloved Book shop

The Stage

In the church

St Peter & St Mary Church


The inclusion of guest speakers engaging with the audience and answering questions adds another layer of interactivity to the literary festival. The unique church setting makes an intimate space for each session.

The absence of reserved seating creates an egalitarian environment, allowing you to choose your preferred spot. Whether you’re a front-row enthusiast eager to catch every word or someone who prefers a more laid-back experience, this setup allows everyone to participate in the discussions on equal footing.

The combination of literature and the serene ambience of the historic and cultural church creates a richly memorable and contemplative place for the talks and Q&A sessions.

As you listen to the insights and stories shared by the authors, you’ll have an opportunity to personally connect with the speakers at the Q&A sessions. This format fosters a dynamic exchange between creators and audience, making the literary festival not just a passive experience but an engaging and participatory one.

Books & Signings

Kate’s Bookshop is open all day in the church hall, where authors sign books after their talk – a seamless and convenient experience for everyone. The option to purchase and get books signed adds a personal touch, allowing literature enthusiasts to take home a piece of the festival. The preloved bookshop is unique, appealing to those who appreciate the charm of second-hand books and hunting for hidden treasures.

And what better way to complement the literary experience than with a cuppa from the café! Encouraging attendees to grab a cup of coffee or tea from the café while perusing books or waiting for a book signing adds a cozy and social element to the festival. It creates a relaxed atmosphere where people can engage in conversations, share their thoughts about the talks, and simply enjoy the literary ambience.


Karen’s café is a delightful addition to the literary festival, offering a range of tempting treats to enjoy. There is a menu of freshly made rolls, delicious homemade cakes, and beverages.

Whether you prefer the ease of tapping your card or paying by cash Karen’s Café takes both.

The freshly made rolls suggest a savoury option for those looking for a more substantial snack or a quick bite between literary sessions. Meanwhile, delicious homemade cakes provide a treat for those with a sweet tooth.

The café not only serves as a place to grab a bite but also becomes a social hub where you can relax, chat, and savour the culinary offerings.